Friday, July 8, 2011

Goal #58. Make something by hand for Ryan to play with

The past few afternoons have been pretty nasty. We've had thunderstorms every afternoon this week. While Ryan was napping I decided to make him something he could play with when he awoke.

I remember visiting my grandma in the summers and her making homemade playdough. I looked up a recipe for it - there was one in my family cookbook but I couldn't dig that out at the time so I googled one real quick.

Homemade Playdough Recipe

You really have to use your strength to stir the dough until it gets to the right consistency. Man! My grandma was tough!!!

I made blue playdough but didn't put too much food coloring in it because I wasn't sure where it would end up and if it would stain.

Every kid's got to taste it at least once!! He made a "pickle" face. I can't imagine it tastes good because there was a cup of salt in the dough!

Ryan really enjoyed himself but once it started going on the floor I knew he was finished!

This also fulfills Goal #95. Create 10 things found on craft blogs (9/10)

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